Tuesday Obama delivers his second back to school speech to America's Students.In his speech he tells the students"Your future in in your hands." DREAM big and you will go further in life. Then he states "As long as you stay focus on your education and work hard in life, then there is no reason for you not to accomplish what you want out of life." More people gravitated towards this speech because they felt like he was talking to them about school and not trying to get them to join his political campaign or agree with his views. His first back to school speech had a lot of controversy. The people felt like he was talking to students more on politics rather him telling them to do good in school.
I think this article is a good read because its good advice to anyone. You can be a republican, democrat, or individual to get something out of this speech. Obama talks about how you will go further and further in life and have more opportunities the further you get into school. This speech speaks to me. I'm one of those people that get down and out a lot about school. After reading this it gives me understanding and helps me not to give up on myself or my future. Not only will it help me stay on track but it might help Bill who just failed all is test and now has failing grades or Sue is is having difficulties in Algebra. I think this is a good speech for anybody to here. Stay Focused on school. Don't give up! Set goals and have a dream for yourself.