In this story in New York Times "Not Every Tragedy Should Lead to Prison" the author Paul Butler argues that "We don't need new criminal laws." "If prosecutors can't find anything to charge a particular cyber bullying with, that bully has not committed a crime." Then he asked the question is simply being a jerk a criminal offense?
A Young man by the name of Tyler Clementi committed suicide because of someone bullying him. He was a gay young man and they didn't except him.Butler went on to say that Clementi's bullies cruelly exploited that social prejudice, but they did not cause it.My question to him is how did they not cause him to commit suicide. They bullied him to the point where he couldn't take it anymore.They had a great hand in his death. Then he goes and argues the fact that every tragedy doesn't have to result in somebody going to jail. "When people are punished, it should be for the harm that they intend to do. If a bully crosses the line between freedom of speech, and invasion of privacy, or harassment, those are the crimes he should be charged with, as is happening in the cases currently in the news." What they did was harassment I look at bullying as a form of harassment. They harassed that boy to the point where he wanted to commit suicide. He also says that if the only tool is prison then every problem looks like a crime. Then states that they acted meanly, and possibly even criminally, but not homicidally. So he just contradicted what he was saying in this whole article about the boys did nothing wrong and we should not send them to prison for manslaughter. But he clearly saids that the boys acted criminally so that means you commit a crime you go to jail. They should go to jail for that boys death. They cause him so much pain and hurt that he committed suicide. How long the sentence should be that's for the judge to decided but I think they need to go before the court and take responsibility for what they did. Butler says that they have a public education campaign on cyberbullying but that is not working. That is not going to help anybody when you got people killing themselves everyday over bullying period. They should pay the price if you keep letting them get away with and hurt other people your making the situation worst rather than making it better. The next person my take to another level and kill them and himself. I think bullying should be committed as a crime if it ends in death. They should have jail time or go to prison.