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Friday, November 12, 2010

Standing up to bullies

In the article by Guerrilla News, I think that bulling should be something that every school take serious. It is sad that now the department of education has to be the one that makes the schools want to make sure every student despite of the race, gender, and sex, feel comfortable at school.  Bulling has often been swept under the rug and is not taken serious until a student is hurt or even commits suicide. Some schools now think that the Department of Education is bulling them into submission. If that's what is takes for a school to pay attention to all students then it should be done. No one should have to threaten to take away federal funding just so that they will pay close attention to what goes on in their schools. The old saying "Sticks and Stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me," is not true. Yes you can try and ignore many people but we can only take so much of it. Soon or later people will get tired of hearing the same thing, which then turns in to harassment, when brought up to a teacher one would get told to just not listen to what people tell you. That there is the beginning of bulling. I think that it is very good that the Department of Education is stepping in.