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Thursday, December 9, 2010

House Passed the Dream Act

Late Wednesday night the house came to to a decision of passing the Dream Act. "The bill gives young illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if they enroll in college or enlist in the military. Supporters call its passage historic — but Democrats probably don't have enough votes to get it through the Senate."

Obama says this is a good thing for the youth. It gives them a chance to show their talent and what they are made of. While a handful of republicans are worried that it will create competition for jobs for the American people while we are in a recession. The also said that it puts the illegal immigrants ahead of those law-abiding American citizens.

The republicans shouldn't worry about them taking jobs from American citizens. These young people were brought to this country when they were young. This act is giving them an opportunity to make a difference in their lives or their families lives. We should be promoting going college and getting an education.You have so many of America's youth today that don't want to do nothing with their lives. So if these immigrants want to go to college and serve our country then let them do that. People are so backwards these days. Why are you going to knock a youth down when he or she is trying to go to school or serve your country. We should be happy and proud.


Dual-Lanuage Education

In this article Dr. Lisa Doggett is saying that Austin should have more dual language classes for the kids. She thinks it should start in elementary school because the kids learn a different language quicker when they are young. Instead normally you have to take a second language in high school. She doesn't see why you have to wait til you get to high school to start learning another language. She also complains about how their are very few bilingual health care workers in the hospital.

I'm all for learning another language and having dual language education for the youth in school today. I don't think that it should be a priority though. You have these Spanish people coming from there homeland to a English speaking country. They should have to learn our language not us learning their language. Why should we have to accommodate to them and learn to speak their language They are going to school just like us. They need to be in a English class learning English. I'm so tired of us having to learn Spanish for them to help them out. NO how about you learn english and help us out. Say we moved to their country and we didn't know spanish. Would they teach english so that people will understand us and help us out? I say no to that question. I don't think that Dual-Language Eduacation should be a priority in school unless they are teaching the spanish speaking kids how to speak english also.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

US government take control of childrens nutrition? Yes

I agree with what you are saying in this article. I myself have a problem with eating junk food and drinking sodas. I can count on one hand how much water i drink in a week. If my mother would have instilled eating healthy to me a long time ago I wouldn't have a tough time trying to start now. Ive had this recent pain that is connected to drinking a lot of caffeine and now that I'm forced to stop it hard for me to do. So the government should take control and help people move in the right direction to get their kids healthy. If it was forced more people would do it. You wonder why we have so many obese kids in the world and its because the parents don't take the time to make sure their child has nutrition in their dinner. School districts now are having healthier chooses in the school lunches. That is a start to our kids having  healthier lives.

Blog 7 Obama Signs Law for Indian Tribes

  On Wednesday Barack Obama signed a law stating that the American Indians and black farmers will be paid $4.6 billion to address the claims of government mistreatment for over many decades. By Obama signing it was able to close a long and unfortunate chapter that has happened. While the president was talking he was focused on the principles of fairness and equality and opportunity. The signing of this law was able to settle a pair of long standing class action lawsuits along with four long standing disputed over Native American water rights. An elder named Elouise Cobell who is a member of the Blackfeet Tribe from Browning, Mont., and was the lead plaintiff in the Indian royalties case said that the ceremony was breath taking. She did not expect it to happen in her life time. Elouise was fighting nearly fifteen years.  There was 300,000 Native Americans that say they were swindled for oil, gas, grazing, and timber rights. The plaintiffs will share the settlements. While Cobell was in Montana she learned that the Senate had approved the measures and she had to pull over and cry. But it was not over yet. Even with the President gave his signature it would still have to go through a gauntlet of court hearings. Many of the elders who thought they would not get to see the day they believe that the United States gave them justice.

I think that it is great that Obama is holding on to his word and doing what he said he was going to do. He said he wanted to end all disputes or injustice that the government has done in the past and I think that this is a wonderful start by giving back to the Indian tribes.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Standing up to bullies

In the article by Guerrilla News, I think that bulling should be something that every school take serious. It is sad that now the department of education has to be the one that makes the schools want to make sure every student despite of the race, gender, and sex, feel comfortable at school.  Bulling has often been swept under the rug and is not taken serious until a student is hurt or even commits suicide. Some schools now think that the Department of Education is bulling them into submission. If that's what is takes for a school to pay attention to all students then it should be done. No one should have to threaten to take away federal funding just so that they will pay close attention to what goes on in their schools. The old saying "Sticks and Stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me," is not true. Yes you can try and ignore many people but we can only take so much of it. Soon or later people will get tired of hearing the same thing, which then turns in to harassment, when brought up to a teacher one would get told to just not listen to what people tell you. That there is the beginning of bulling. I think that it is very good that the Department of Education is stepping in.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Should Cyber Bullying Lead to Prison?

In this story in New York Times "Not Every Tragedy Should Lead to Prison" the author Paul Butler argues that "We don't need new criminal laws." "If prosecutors can't find anything to charge a particular cyber bullying with, that bully has not committed a crime." Then he asked the question is simply being a jerk a criminal offense?
A Young man by the name of Tyler Clementi committed suicide because of someone bullying him. He was a gay young man and they didn't except him.Butler went on to say that Clementi's bullies cruelly exploited that social prejudice, but they did not cause it.My question to him is how did they not cause him to commit suicide. They bullied him to the point where he couldn't take it anymore.They had a great hand in his death. Then he goes and argues the fact that every tragedy doesn't have to result in somebody going to jail. "When people are punished, it should be for the harm that they intend to do. If a bully crosses the line between freedom of speech, and invasion of privacy, or harassment, those are the crimes he should be charged with, as is happening in the cases currently in the news." What they did was harassment I look at bullying as a form of harassment. They harassed that boy to the point where he wanted to commit suicide. He also says that if the only tool is prison then every problem looks like a crime. Then states that they acted meanly, and possibly even criminally, but not homicidally. So he just contradicted what he was saying in this whole article about the boys did nothing wrong and we should not send them to prison for manslaughter. But he clearly saids that the boys acted criminally so that means you commit a crime you go to jail.  They should go to jail for that boys death. They cause him so much pain and hurt that he committed suicide. How long the sentence should be that's  for the judge to decided but I think they need to go before the court and take responsibility for what they did. Butler says that they have a public education campaign on cyberbullying but that is not working. That is not going to help anybody when you got people killing themselves everyday over bullying period. They should pay the price if you keep letting them get away with and hurt other people your making the situation worst rather than making it better. The next person my take to another level and kill them and himself. I think bullying should be committed as a crime if it ends in death. They should have jail time or go to prison. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Your Future is in Your Hands..."

Tuesday Obama delivers his second back to school speech to America's Students.In his speech he tells the students"Your future in in your hands." DREAM big and you will go further in life. Then he states "As long as you stay focus on your education and work hard in life, then there is no reason for you not to accomplish what you want out of life." More people gravitated towards this speech because they felt like he was talking to them about school and not trying to get them to join his political campaign or agree with his views. His first back to school speech had a lot of controversy. The people felt like he was talking to students more on politics rather him telling them to do good in school.

I think this article is a good read because its good advice to anyone. You can be a republican, democrat, or individual to get something out of this speech. Obama talks about how you will go further and further in life and have more opportunities the further you get into school. This speech speaks to me. I'm one of those people that get down and out a lot about school.  After reading this it gives me understanding and helps me not to give up on myself or my future. Not only will it help me stay on track but it might help Bill who just failed all is test and now has failing grades or Sue is is having difficulties in Algebra. I think this is a good speech for anybody to here. Stay Focused on school. Don't give up! Set goals and have a dream for yourself.